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Updated over 9 months ago

Infobric Site makes it possible for site administrators to publish messages that become available on the site through Ease CheckIn. In this way, you can quickly access important information about your site.

  • The sender can follow up on who has seen the message, and thus ensure that the information has reached the right persons. The sender can see who has read the message and at what time.

  • The sender can choose to activate notifications for each message. In such cases, you will get a notification outside your app that a new message is available. If not used the message will be published in the app, and only visible under the menu option Messages.

This is what it looks like in the app

Below you are shown what it looks like on the phone and in Ease CheckIn when a new message has been published:

  • On the site a red dot with a number at the menu option Messages indicates that a new message has been published.

  • This is how the actual message is displayed in Ease CheckIn.

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