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77 articles
How do I create a new project?
How do I add a new company to my company account?
How do I create an inspection template for my account?
How do I create a checklist for my account?
How do I invite new users to my company account?
Change personal information of an existing user
How do I create a form for my account?
Set default deviation due times on account level
How do I archive a project?
How can I work with investigations?
How do I get started with the introduction?
How do I add certificate requirements?
How do I add document requirements?
How do I follow up and complete the introduction?
How do I edit the participants' information and details?
How does registration for the introduction work?
Where can I find info sheet for introduction?
Untitled article
Where do I find deviations assigned to me, created by me and all deviations in my projects?
Can I search, sort and filter my deviations?
How do I resolve a deviation and what do I do if I can't resolve the deviation?
Re-open a deviation which hasn't been resolved properly
Edit deviation due date, risk level or responsible person
How do I see all the deviations within my company?
How do I use construction plans on the mobile application?
Untitled article
How can I see all my inspections?
Can I edit the form answers for a concluded round?
Where can I see rounds and how do I filter?
How do I archive and un-archive an inspection?
Can I schedule all rounds of the entire project at the same time?
How can I see mine and all scheduled rounds in my project?
How do I schedule a new round?
How do I edit upcoming inspection?
How do I delete a scheduled round?
How do I add a deviation and what does "unresolved deviations" mean?
Can I invite a project member via the mobile application?
Can I invite a visitor as round participant?
How do I add an approved item with proof?
Can I add multiple answers to the same item in the checklist?
Can I edit an already added deviation or checked item?
Can I add answers to multiple items in the checklist at the same time?
How do I know if the round has been synchronized?
Where do I find the round report?
Who will receive the job-sheets when the round is completed?
How do I set up the recipients of the rounds reports from inspections?
Conducting rounds with construction plans
How do I use construction plans on the web platform?
Can I add deviations to items that is not on my list?
Untitled article
How do I upload a document to the project?
How do I edit general information about the project?
Where can I see the inspection statistics?
How can I see unaccepted users and resend invitations?
How do I remove users from a project?
What are the different user permissions?
How Can I Enable or Disable Project Functions?